We've all heard the phase: immitation is the sincerest form of flattery - and though I'm not too big on copying the exact ensembles I see on models in magazines or the manequins in stores (because hey, I'd like to think myself somewhat the fashionista and one who can throw a garment together), sometimes, just sometimes, a getup will come along that is just made for each other (and for me).
Anthropologie's Rising Vapor dress and the Expedition Obi were just too adorable to separate, and what else would that elephant belt look good with? When I saw the belt in person, I knew I had to have it. One, I'm a great animal lover and think elephants are the cutestest things, and two, I am in love with anything sequins! So when I saw the belt paired with the dress, I knew that a borrower I'd be!
So ladies, although I say, don't fall into the habit of mindlessly coping styles out of books or stores, but only using them for inspiration, do realize when something is just too good to not duplicate!

What I'm Wearing:
Dress: Anthropologie Rising Vapor Dress
Orig.: $98.00
Paid: $49.99
Belt: Anthropologie Expedition Obi
Shoes: Kenneth Cole New York
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